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Team W.O.W had a fantastic first weekend at the Upper Wind Whitewater festival~! Working together and paddling hard, team W.O.W took 1st and 2nd place in the women's division, with Theresa and Lehua representing first~! 2nd place was taken by Heather and Megan, who R2'd their butts off in a 14 footer. 

Later, the team bonded at the evening festivities and enjoyed being together for their first race.

On day two, our R4 team of Heather, Sunni, Liz, and Lehua got to test their swiftwater rescue skills and teamwork while working together to un-pin a raft. All of the ladies maintained whitewater professionalism and confidence. With the support of some local kayakers and Zach from Northwest Rafting Company, the boat was un-pinned and the race continued on. Sunni took the stick and the team had a successful run down the river~!

The mass start at the put in, the women charge through...
Team W.O.W heads downstream
The view of the boats approaching Ram's Horn...
Team W.O.W gets a BIG hit at Ram's Horn...
First place W.O.W women boogie past Ram's Horn after their big hit
W.O.W team two approaches the drop...
Getting left with ORT on our tails~!
Dropping in
Charging through
And the race goes on~!

Congrats and thanks to all the ladies who participated and supported in this race~!

*Photos courtesy of the Oregon Rafting Team

On 3/14 the ladies got together to tackle some class IV/V action in the Upper Wind river in WA. With the W.O.W guides not being familiar with the run, the team invited guest river guide trainers Liz Arnold and Andy Round to familiarize the crew with the run. With the river at 6.4 feet, both crews ran clean lines all day. The guides and paddlers of W.O.W all enjoyed an amazing day of scouting and river running. Keep a look out for the ladies of W.O.W as they run on their own at the upcoming Wind River Festival this weekend~!

Boat preparation begins at the put in...

Wet or dry? We've got 'em both...

There is no I in TEAM. When one bleeds their dry suit, we all bleed...

Getting the skinny from Liz about the Upper Wind

Wouldn't it be SWEET if we all had Sweet Helmets?


On March 4th the women of W.O.W got together for the first time as a team to run some whitewater. The team paddled a double trip down the Upper Clackamas. The day was filled with introductions, whitewater rescue orientation, river scouting, and paddle racing technique. The women were all smiles at the end of the day, fired up to do it again~!